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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's all about me

............actually, it isn't

A lot of us seem to forget that any relationship are all about GIVE AND TAKE.

Expecting your friend/partner to meet all your needs, but not being prepared to meet any of hers/his, is selfish.

Selfishness is nothing else but a STINGY way to receive without giving. TAKE and TAKE and TAKE.



selfish?? kadang2 selfish ya bagus...kadang2 jadi sik bagus...bergantung dengan situasi...

ada orang molah ktk kdak ya ka su? tukuk palaknya... :p

Anonymous said...

giving me lots of tensions sometimes... but i still accept it...
good relationship= give+take....:D

Pn Hamidah said...

Nothing good will come out of selfishness. We all must learn the hard way. As I kept telling you, in whatever we do, just make sure our heart is at the right place.As we may not be able to please everyone,we at least have tried our best.

nur enjel said...

Puteri Santubong::

yala...bunyi macam geram kat orang jak oo..hehe...bukan mengharapkan apa2 balasan sebenarnya yah ...cuma harap jgn dibalas jaik ajak..tapi sik pa tuhan maha kaya...

Amiey Alen::

nur enjel said...

Kak Midah ::

Thanks, i will keep that in mind.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

The cartoon really tells us well about our selfishness. Well done!

nur enjel said...


well, the world does not rotate around us only :)

Coffee Girl said...

Macam sorong papan tarik papan juak ...

nur enjel said...

One Other::

:) sesetengah orang sekda sense of give and take u know...kenak kah o?

Coffee Girl said...

not in their blood i guess. or nang sik diajar dr kecik marek. or nang nya bengap kot. hmm...