After years of lecturing , i kinda transform myself into notes and slides which everything is already in my head.Hence, sometime, i do have plenty of time to relax , socializing and blogging :)
My friend once asked : Where is your notes dear?
Me : I am the notes!! is one of those days where i can take a little bit of my working time (hehe) to express my excitement that my very own grandson will be in Kuching this evening! huhu . Here is the picture of future heart breaker :
AMIRUL ABBAS is my nephew's son. His father is only two years younger than me . His immediate grandma is my Second Sister after Mdm Grace. By the way ,i am not that old ok everyone..:) hehe ..just that my second sister got married at the age of.. 15 - 16 years old.Even her eldest daughter is 2 years older than me. haha ...weird huh ...:) but then again , it is life. To tell you the truth ..while i was a child, i was kinda confused about this bloodline relationship. hahaha...but i managed to figure it out when i was in primary 5!
By the way , i am so excited to see abbas today ...Can't wait to see him and can't wait to hold my very own grandson .
Cutenye! Extended families r always exciting. im a great-grandma technically! except im younger than you! hahahahah.
One Other ::
It was a mistake ..Don't listen to Mdm Grace..huh! know her ...I am much younger than that ...Biasa la kakak ku ya...umur adik dirikpun pun salah ...:D
so berapalah?
that's definitely one heart breaker! :D
I have a niece with the same age as me and. only 7 months younger and use to be my classmate. plus i have another 6-years younger brother. now i have two granddaughter and 1 grandson.
One Other::
Lets just say that too young to be called grandma..:D kelak lah mun jumpa ku padah ...
Really?? wow! Currently, I have one granddaughter ( also future heart breaker i think, she looks like model in the making..hehe) and one grandson,abbas.
Hensem pa
Bukan setakat hensem but penyakat... he likes to call me : nenek...nenek... :D dahlah apalagik malu i ditunggah gia.
It wasn't a mistake.I know you're very much younger than me but you have to grow up and be careful with your choice of words.Age is no big deal to me and I have clarified this matter with you and accepted your apology.
Kak Midah ::
Ok kak .. i learn from my mistakes..Thanks for the heads up..Will be much careful in the future ...can't wait to see you , mak ani , kak buk and mom this coming friday ..:P
Confirm abbas lari dari kitak..
yalah nya kan pilih org skett
tapi after that ok kali..hehe
p/s : Jika Usu menjadi lecturer saya, pasti beri sepenuh perhatian!! :)
Dear Iejan...
usu baruk parking nya dah lambei2 kat beranda rumah ... bila usu masuk rumah nya lari kakya ngagak balit ..biasa la nang ada jual mahal sikit anakbuah ktk ya ..
tapi mun kita hilang pandei nya encarik ...
sayang jauh gilak rumah abang awek ktk ...dahla usu tuk free waktu malam ajak waktu siang kan kerja...tapi mlm ya ada embak sidak jalan di the spring kakya makan di raja ayam penyet.
But then , we plan to go to Serikin with your mom this saturday .I miss abbas u know...yala tek rumah abang awek ktk jauh glak ..tapi rasa nya nak ngembak emak ktk ngagaknya hari jumaat tuk ..usu cuti setengah hari...mun siang berani sikit ngagak demak laut ya ...jauh jan. U take Care k.
cute and hensem!!!! honestly... mmg cute la... konfom jadi pujaan nya dah besar kelak.... if jumpa nya... kiss cheek nya behalf of me... orait??? hehehe
Amiey Allen...
Thanks for dropping by ... hehe ..nang dah jadi pujaan oleh dak aunties and grandmas nya kmkurg besar bah amiey ...sure i will kiss him for you :)
lecturer duhal. mintak exam tips lok :p
Cannot. kelak i Fail kan u klak.
hehe....the glamer nenek yang kmk kenal so far...lamak juak nunggu abbas marek su, pas lebih setahun kawen bok dptkan abbas...
mohamad amirul abbas bin mohamad zawawi...satu2nya anak bujang kmk yang kinek tuk sangat banyak soalan mun nak tauk sst yang nya rasa pelik...
contoh soalan nya yang agak mencabar minda so far yang kmk ingat;
*kenak bird sik berak kat toilet?
*kenak abbas masih kecik?
*kenak abbas sikda opis?
*kenak taik lalat berak kat badan?
n bla bla bla....
sabarjak la su...nya akan keep on asking the same question mun nya sik puas hati dengan jwapan kita..
yala...nya nang banyak tanyak ..hehe
wow.. so small, yet already so hensem..
yala i said, future heart breaker..
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