Monday, July 27, 2009
my gerek
Posted by nur enjel at 10:13 7 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wang Hantaran Kahwin
Nurenjel took the Berapa nilai hantaran kahwin anda? quiz and the result is RM 48,000-00
ANDA MEMANG SEORANG WANITA YANG HEBAT. semua lelaki angau nak kawen dengan anda. anda mempunyai ciri-ciri yang diidamkan lelaki secara general. bakal suami anda sanggup berbelanja besar untuk kawen dgn anda kerana takut anda terlepas ke tangan orang lain. tetapi anda tidak sombong dan angkuh dengan kelebihan yang ada pada anda.
Posted by nur enjel at 15:19 4 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Wedding (Part 2)
"Majlis resepsi" was on Saturday at Dewan Suarah , Sibu
"Majlis Jalan rumah Mertua" was on Sunday at my second sister's house in Jalan Permai, Sibu...
Make up session ...I also had my make up in the same room ..of course by myself (siapa la nak hias i..hehe)
Few moments before " Akad Nikah "...he was nervous
The Crowd
Posted by nur enjel at 15:54 6 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Wedding
Pelamin at Dewan Suarah , Sibu
My beloved grandson and grand daughter
My nephew during the akad nikah
The beautiful Bride
Posing with my eldest sister ,Mdm Grace and Serenity
Family Reunion
Posted by nur enjel at 18:40 9 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
New Semester Begin
Posted by nur enjel at 10:06 6 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
salah faham ...
Posted by nur enjel at 09:32 6 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
my friends are no longer calling me by my real name ...they call me norell or enjel ..huhu...and i don't mind it too ...(malas nak tuyak gilak) just let them be as insane as they want them to be...
Posted by nur enjel at 09:39 5 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Happy Belated Teachers' day ...
Posted by nur enjel at 08:34 6 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Orang gaji Melampau
Heartless and Brainless maid
Outrageous behaviour of maid cruel and insane..
Posted by nur enjel at 15:45 6 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
my youngest niece : anis zahra
Nur Anis Zahra
Many people comment she looks exactly like me ...hehe..i think the personality is also more or less the same ...quiet type.... . unless i know that person very well, i seldom talk much ...
Posted by nur enjel at 15:54 5 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Snap out of it
I am feeling depressed ...
How can i help myself snap out of it ....
There is something that keep bothering me but im not sure myself what it is ...
My friend once asked me a very simple question:what will you do to make yourself happy ....? Sadly, there was a long silent coming from me................:(
Posted by nur enjel at 15:03 13 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hari Ibu :: 10 May 2009
Posted by nur enjel at 15:52 3 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
nice guy vs bad guy
Girl, you need a bad boy... Someone that will make you wait on him... that's the only way boys hold your interest. Guys that give you everything you want will only bore you, and next thing you know you'll be looking for someone new. You need a challenge, so stop breaking those sweet boys hearts. Date a player, and who knows, maybe you'll be the first girl he's ever fallen for. |
But 98% of the result above is true tho .... hehe..
Posted by nur enjel at 09:36 4 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Result: when they deserve it bitch
You will only slag ur mates off when there's been a personal attack on u ur more likely to confront them urself in civil manner tho....
i don't think that i am an outspoken person ... i'd rather keep things to myself ...unless mun benar-benar mencabar ..i will tell/talk somehow...
Posted by nur enjel at 08:59 7 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
exam blues....exam blues....
well, me and three of my friends were invigilating this semester final exam .i invigilated one paper today which was Law and Society . It was 3 hours exam and my feeling was like ...err...only god knows....:)
The invigilator with a big grin on her face
so silent .....
Posted by nur enjel at 12:09 4 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Down under memories

Not really sure what to blog about ..just like to share the above picture that i took from my facebook posted by my ex-senior . I wore green dress looking so shy in my tudung (standing in the middle) hehe.We were all Malaysian + Newcastlian@Australia. I was in Australia some time ago futhering my studies in accountancy and economics. we had this gathering and took picture in front of my house after that .It was summer time and i was with my Malaysian senior and junior .This pic is so full of memories....
Posted by nur enjel at 15:11 7 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
sweet relief
I was very focus on my job as to ensure fairness and accuracy in giving and allocating my students' marks. Some of them received a very low grade due to plagiarism . I was very piss off with them because during my time , there was no word of plagiarism in my life dictionary as a student. I was very clean and honest in performing my assignments and tests and now i expect my students to perform the same way.hehe ...
Posted by nur enjel at 11:49 8 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Assignments, Tests and Final Exams
Posted by nur enjel at 09:39 3 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hurt so many times,
But never truly healed,
No you cannot see them,
My emotional scars are sealed,
i’ve kept it in for so long,
So much anger never let out,
Struggled with every tantrum,
Suppressing the urge to shout,
But the turning point is now,
You will not be my demise,
I will uplift my spirit,
And spring to your surprise,
No longer will you hurt me,
No more pain will I feel,
This day will end my sorrows,
And break that holy seal,
My emotions will flow with hatred,
And death you will meet,
Through this day of reckoning I have realized,
Revenge through success is sweet.
Posted by nur enjel at 11:28 4 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It is written
if something bad happened in our life such as accident...was it written ..? or was it due to our carelessness ....or was it both ?

i cherish god for giving me the happiness in life...i know some people might think i don't deserve it .....but then again , i is written.
Posted by nur enjel at 12:12 11 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Many years ago, when i was still a young girl and just graduated, i might choose love..
Now, i am not sure...
Posted by nur enjel at 16:03 11 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Somehow, we felt that there was an angel holding our car so it landed smoothly at the side of the road. Thank god. Not even a scratch . only a shock maybe. i was kind of trembling but still able to explain the situation especially to the man who hit our car.
He is a chinese man . The gentleman one. Thank god huh..... The policemen were also gentle and soft spoken .The advantage of being a woman maybe.
The rest of the story i leave it to your imagination ......:) Oh by the way , my friend also fine ..she only hurt her head..externally. ( no bleeding) maybe she hit the glass (window) . but the doctor (Brain specialist at Timberland) confirmed it as external injury,nothing more .
One thing i remember most is while we were still in the car after the tragic swinging moment , my friend said ..."It was thrill hoh"....yala good girls like us seldom involve in bad situation bah ...
p/s: to all my family members and friends, do not tell my mom ...
Posted by nur enjel at 11:26 17 comments
Labels: life experience
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
5 foolproof signs he likes you
1. He bumps into you ...a lot : he's conspiring with the universe to see you again and again.
2. He goes out his way for you : Grab any opportunity to spend time with you .
3. He does the unnecessary:Find ways of letting you into his world.
4. He avoids talking directly to you in a group: He'll talk to everyone but you.
5. Your best friends are convinced he's into you .
Personally , i strongly doubt no.4 and 5. ...and not sure about no 1-3. For me , if it's too complicated , he is just not that into you .
Posted by nur enjel at 10:23 15 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
It's all about me
A lot of us seem to forget that any relationship are all about GIVE AND TAKE.
Expecting your friend/partner to meet all your needs, but not being prepared to meet any of hers/his, is selfish.
Posted by nur enjel at 10:08 10 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A wedding

I really can save my budget by wearing the one above because its already in my wardrobe right now but mine is in black colour with pink floral. Quite stunning i guess ( hehe...perasan )
or i can find something like below

With the second one , people probably say " sapa yg nak nikah tuk? is it you ?"
or , the third one below is quite common but still look nice:

hmm ...don't really know what to wear ...i just know that i need to come to his wedding and congratulate him... When is my own big day oo? ya lagik la pecah palak pikir baju....:P
Posted by nur enjel at 11:27 10 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Apa nak kei tulis ku tok ....
1. Malas sama seperti sumuk.
2. Aku pun Motto berusaha masa belajar dolok dah sekda agik waktu kerja tok ..hehe
3. suka makan sayur cangkuk manis ..haha
4. suka makan laksa nak nyaman ..sik nyaman sik suka.
5. Orang madah aku ngaler rambut tapi sik pernah dlm hidup ..nya nang kaler hazel kedak ya ..giney la.
6. Ada 5 kakak sorang abang .
7. Koala adalah binatang paling malas.
8. masa aku belajar dolok selalu nangga koala tidur ajak kerja.
9. sik pat lari dari warna pink .
10. Mun lapar cepat manas (bahaya) sbb ya ku sik mok lapar ..haha
11. apa gik oo..blank dah ku tok..hmm sik suka org laki eksen dan nok poyo poyo ya nang out
12. Percayak dgn doa (prayer)
13. Suka keanu Reeves .
14. Sik pandei pakei seksi . Mun seksi pun sik menjolok mata hehe
15. Mimpi lelaki monster warna kuning masa kecik sampei kinek tuk pun masih teringat . sik tauk kenak .
16.kadang2 aku rasa aku ada mimpi syurga.
17.bila la nak sampei no. 25 tok ... student ku semua bait2 ..dengar kata aku
18. aku sik suka jadi penumpang ..ku suka driving
19. aku dolok sekolah , sekolah perempuan ..haha
20. suka kehijauan
21. sik suka bersoal jawab (bertekak)
22. sebab ya aku banyak mengalah kali . tapi hati ku sakit .sigh...
23. aku suka masak sup ayam .ya jak yang ku expert masak haha(belajar ngan sumuk lok)
24. aku rasa sport bowling buang duit ..tikam2 tapi masuk parit :)
25. Finally , aku masih keluar ngan kawan sama sekolah (dari form 1) .Thank God. susah nak ada kawan sejati masa kerja. some of them ada hidden agenda ( my opinion only)
Dah One Other . DONE! Berperah juak otak i ..hehe..
Posted by nur enjel at 10:59 9 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The One and Only
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.
- Courtney Kuchta -
Posted by nur enjel at 16:06 7 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Grandson .. huhu ..(im not that old ok)
After years of lecturing , i kinda transform myself into notes and slides which everything is already in my head.Hence, sometime, i do have plenty of time to relax , socializing and blogging :)
My friend once asked : Where is your notes dear?
Me : I am the notes!! is one of those days where i can take a little bit of my working time (hehe) to express my excitement that my very own grandson will be in Kuching this evening! huhu . Here is the picture of future heart breaker :
AMIRUL ABBAS is my nephew's son. His father is only two years younger than me . His immediate grandma is my Second Sister after Mdm Grace. By the way ,i am not that old ok everyone..:) hehe ..just that my second sister got married at the age of.. 15 - 16 years old.Even her eldest daughter is 2 years older than me. haha ...weird huh ...:) but then again , it is life. To tell you the truth ..while i was a child, i was kinda confused about this bloodline relationship. hahaha...but i managed to figure it out when i was in primary 5!
By the way , i am so excited to see abbas today ...Can't wait to see him and can't wait to hold my very own grandson .
Posted by nur enjel at 11:45 20 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
sexual harrassment
Posted by nur enjel at 09:49 6 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Life must go on
Posted by nur enjel at 08:48 12 comments
Labels: life experience
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Intimacy conflict
Believe it or not as a normal human beings we have two main desires that seem to be at odds with each other.
On the one hand, we want to be in a relationship, to feel we belong, to give and receive love. On the other, we want to be free, autonomous (hehe..) and not overly controlled by another.
As a conclusion, we want both togetherness and separateness,closeness and distances...hmm...typical huh....
But , each desire has its disadvantages.In a relationship, we can be hurt and are responsible to one another- we lose our separateness.But , if you want separateness, you have to pay the price- loneliness.
People keep on asking me.." bila lagik???" hehe.personally , i just leave this to God. I know one thing for sure that as the youngest daughter/sis, I love freedom and afraid of being hurt . Well, God knows best.
Posted by nur enjel at 09:14 13 comments
Labels: love
Friday, December 26, 2008
Discommunication between men and women
The discommunications occur maybe because of men and women has different emotional needs. Women usually complain about problems because they want their problems to be acknowledged, while men complain about problems because they are asking for solutions. One of my good friends told me that when we want to talk to this human from mars we need to be well prepared with all the facts and theories to support our ideas or opinions. hehe .sounds complicated to me. But , i don't think i am in a right position to discuss this matter in details due to lack of experiences and the fact that i am still single.Nevertheless, as an academician, i do believe that conflict usually occur due to lack of communication.
Posted by nur enjel at 15:12 15 comments
Labels: General Knowledge
Unexpectedly , today i managed to create my own blog , alhamdulilah .Inspired by my eldest sister , Madam Grace and Serenity,hopefully this blog can be a medium to spread and share ideas, knowledge and life experiences. I would like to welcome myself to this fun world of cyber. Thank you for viewing my blog .
Posted by nur enjel at 07:37 11 comments